Interpreting – face-to-face

Interpreting workflow


Are you organising a small meeting, a one-on-one interview, a large-scale conference for hundreds of delegates, or attending a trade show? If you need to speak to clients, colleagues, partners or suppliers in their own language, then some form of face-to-face interpreting is probably the answer for you. Finding the right interpreter is very important, as it can be the difference between a successful event or a disorganised meeting. translate plus only ever works with trusted linguists who have previous experience within the confectionery industry. We offer a variety of options, from consecutive, liaison, whispered, relay, and simultaneous interpreting, as well as sound system and interpreting equipment.



In consecutive interpreting (CI), the interpreter speaks after the source language speaker has finished speaking. The speech is divided into segments and the interpreter is positioned next to the speaker, listening and taking notes. When the speaker pauses or finishes speaking, the interpreter then renders the message into the target language.


In simultaneous interpretation (SI), our linguist will interpret the message into the target-language while the source language speaker is speaking. The interpreter is seated in a sound-proof booth and speaks into a microphone, while clearly being able to see and hear the source language speaker. Listeners hear the interpretation through earphones.


Organising and executing an event with numerous interpreters and high-quality equipment can be confusing, complicated and costly, but it doesn’t have to be. translate plus are experienced in creating world-class solutions for our clients at a wide range of events, from very high-profile international conferences to more intimate business meetings. If required, we can provide interpreting equipment including PA systems, push-to-talk microphones, headsets/receivers, interpreter booths and control consoles, relay equipment, on-site technicians, as well as presentation equipment such as projectors and screens.

On-demand telephone interpreting

Our telephone interpreting service provides all of the expertise of face-to-face interpreting but at a fraction of the cost. With on-demand telephone interpreting, you can obtain instant access to interpreting services, without needing to plan in advance. You can use a speakerphone, dual-handset line, or even a standard phone/mobile with a built-in speaker to talk to your clients and service users on the spot. With the flexibility of our telephone interpreting, there is no need to reschedule your meeting to a later time, which can cause confusion and delay important communication. Our telephone interpreters are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing the ideal solution for round-the-clock scenarios.


Please take a look at your Onboarding presentation for all the details.
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